Saturday, 13 June 2009

Debt Consolidation Calculator - First Step Towards Debt Free Life

What is a debt consolidation calculator?

If you are undertaking a debt consolidation loan, then, these debt consolidation calculators are instruments of great utility. Debt consolidation calculators require your debt amount to tell you:

1. if you should collate your debts in the first place,
2. the kind of monthly payment plan which would suit your pocket,
3. The duration within which you will be able to eliminate your debt.

Some amount of permutation and combination enables you to try out different interest rates but the debt consolidation calculator seeks out a debt consolidation plan optimal to your profile.

Surfing the Internet for debt consolidation:

Going online for debt consolidation calculators displays mind boggling results including manual debt consolidation calculators. Most financial lenders have their own variants of the debt consolidation calculators. On many websites you may need to input your e mail address so you can be contacted. It is not mandatory to associate yourself with any of the search results. Undertake comparison shopping for the best quotes.

What are free debt consolidation services?

Debt consolidation loans are widely recognized as most effective ways to eliminate escalating consumer debts. There are also free debt consolidation services offered by agencies with low or absolutely no service charges, low interest rates and small monthly payments enabling greater savings. Any requirement regarding addressing your creditors is also looked after them.

Using the debt consolidation calculators:

Debt consolidation calculators tell you if it is feasible to collate debts, whether it makes sense to make a single payment per month to repay debts, the kind of time period within which you can improve your credit score and eliminate your debt, and how much will retiring your debts cost your pocket.

1. To enter data in a debt consolidation calculator, input all debt amounts in the given fields. If you are unsure, check the statements received from your creditors.
2. Enter the exact principal amounts, interest rates and monthly outflows.
3. The final two columns will be filled by the calculator so leave that.
5. Once the debts you want to collate have been input, click on "Compute Current Debt Cost" button.
6. Subsequently, enter the debt consolidation loan interest rate, term of repayment and service charges or fees levied. Now, click the "Compute Consolidation Loan Costs" button.
7. Check that you have entered data in the four left-hand fields for all debts.
8. Ensure the data is all numeric and decimals.


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