Monday, 15 June 2009

How a Debt Consolidation Loan Calculator Can Be of Assistance to You

You have so many credit card bills to pay but you do not have enough money to pay it. Have you heard of the debt consolidation loan? As long as you have something that you can use as collateral or security, you can avail of the service. However, questions like how much will you be able to save just in case and what is the best option that you have should you decide to avail it should be answered before you even think of availing of debt consolidation services.

With the help of debt consolidation calculator, all your questions will be answered. You will be provided with more concrete facts and figures to help you in such a crucial decision. Through the calculator, you will be given a clearer idea on the different modes of payment together with the different interest rates of each; you will see the amount of your monthly due as well. It is not easy to go on availing loans which you are not sure of. This is one mode of assisting people who have debts which they can no longer pay regularly.

It is also helpful in finding out if you are losing money in the payments you are making with your credit card company. In every bill that you receive monthly, it reflects the corresponding amount of interest that is being added to the amount you have not yet settled. So more often than not, the minimum amount due in your bill usually only pays for the interest. There is very little amount paid to the principal. You will notice that even if you pay regularly, the amount due in your bill is not decreasing. This is one instance when the debt consolidation calculator can aid you. It can help you out in showing you a doable way in getting rid of your credit card bills and other debts by giving you an idea of a real plan that you can do.

Using a debt consolidation calculator will give you a good idea on how much money you can actually save on the monthly payment that you make from the usual amount you pay. Now you can use the money and you will be able to save on more important things.

Do not allow yourself be trapped by paying endless bills on your credit cards and other debts. Find out your options and see the changes that it can do in your life if you decide to get a debt consolidation loan. Find solutions to your credit card bill problems and keep your worries away. You should not spend every day of your life thinking of tormenting thoughts of how you will be able to settle all your credit card bills. Now you can move on and make plans in your life because you will be free from the agony of paying nonstop and nerve wracking credit card bills.

Use the debt consolidation calculator and get a chance to a better life.

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Saturday, 13 June 2009

Use A Credit Card Debt Calculator - Become Debt-Free Faster

If you carry more than 2 credit cards in your purse or wallet, then a credit card debt calculator is just the tool for you to help manage your credit card debt more effectively! If it's getting difficult keeping the payments on your credit card debt in order; if you find yourself missing payments at times because there are just too many to take care of, then it's time you use an online credit card debt consolidation calculator to plan your debt repayment.

But I'm Not Very Computer Savvy!

No problem. A debt calculator is as easy to use as your ordinary calculator. It is a very simple web based program that you can find online on most credit card company websites and all leading debt consolidation service websites. All you need to do is just enter the current balance of your cumulative credit card debt, the rate of interest and the amount of total payment you are making currently every month. Based on this information, a credit card debt calculator would calculate the number of months it will take for you to payoff the loan completely, at the current rate of payments.

If, however, instead of the amount of current monthly payments, you enter a "payoff goal" in the software (that is the time period in which you would possibly like to clear off the debt), the debt calculator will calculate the amount of money you need to pay back every month to meet your "payoff goal".

Advantages Of Using A Payoff Calculator

A credit card debt calculator is an innovative tool to help you in credit card debt reduction. Designed by debt consolidation companies, it further helps you make an objective assessment of your income. It gives you an idea as to how you can payoff your debt and shows you the changes required to meet your payoff goals. You can determine how much money you will save as interest payment by targeting the loan repayment in different time periods. And once you have decided on a feasible target period for payback, you can accordingly plan your budget to make the necessary amount of payment every month.

Moreover, the presence of an online credit card debt calculator on the websites of certain credit card companies helps you ascertain the true cost of using a credit card of that company. Using this online calculator, you can compare the actual credit card rates applied by different companies and get yourself a better deal.

You will realize that if you work out and analyze through several different debt repayment plans possible with your current income, it will help you settle on a monthly payment schedule most optimum for you, regarding both the total amount you'll end up paying to cover the entire loan, and the amount of time it takes to be totally debt free.

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Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator

What Is It?

A Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator helps you make an informed decision as to whether a credit card debt consolidation loan will help your take charge of your debts. It also helps you understand the terms of a loan that is best for you and your own circumstances.

How does it work?

A Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator requires you to punch in all of your various credit card balances, the interest rates and monthly payments. Then, when you can see what your total debt is, you create a model of a single, consolidated loan. This means that you juggle three factors:

• Interest rate

• Monthly payment

• Loan term

A Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator helps you quickly create the profile of a single, consolidated loan that will lower than the sum total of all your monthly payments while reducing your interest rate and paying off the loan in a reasonable period of time.

Here's An Example

Let's say you have 4 credit cards with the following characteristics:

1. Balance of $5000 with an interest rate of 19.00% and a monthly payment of $200.

2. Balance of $4000 with an interest rate of 18.50% and a payment of $160.

3. Balance of $3000 with an interest rate of 19.25% and a payment of $120.

4. Balance of $2000 with an interest rate of 16.50% and a payment of $80.

Together, the Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator tells you:

* You have a balance of $14,000 at 18.55% with a monthly payment of $560.

* It will take you just under 13 years to pay off the cards

* You'll shell out $8500 in interest.

And you're juggling 4 monthly bills to do it.

But what if you could consolidate the balances, making a single payment each month -- at a lower interest rate? Paying lower interest rates can result in paying lower monthly payments and/or paying off the loan sooner. The math can be tricky -- but a Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator can help you figure it out in a snap.

In this example, our Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator tells you that, at 12.3%, you could do a single monthly payment of $560 and pay off the loan in just over 13 years. Your total interest paid would be a bit over $4700. That's a savings of $3800.

Or you could reduce your monthly payment to $455, paying off the loan in 17 years with an interest charge of $6400. You'd save $2,100 in interest and $105 per month to your bottom line. And again, you have a single payment to manage. That's also a better deal...and a Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator helped you get the answer in just a few seconds.


When applying for a loan, you have to shop around and decide which deal is best for you. And there is never a guarantee that you can get the loan you want. You still need to qualify for the loan. That said, you can come out way ahead with a debt consolidation loan if you know how to make an informed decision about the terms that are best for you. A Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator can do that for you.

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Debt Consolidation Calculator - First Step Towards Debt Free Life

What is a debt consolidation calculator?

If you are undertaking a debt consolidation loan, then, these debt consolidation calculators are instruments of great utility. Debt consolidation calculators require your debt amount to tell you:

1. if you should collate your debts in the first place,
2. the kind of monthly payment plan which would suit your pocket,
3. The duration within which you will be able to eliminate your debt.

Some amount of permutation and combination enables you to try out different interest rates but the debt consolidation calculator seeks out a debt consolidation plan optimal to your profile.

Surfing the Internet for debt consolidation:

Going online for debt consolidation calculators displays mind boggling results including manual debt consolidation calculators. Most financial lenders have their own variants of the debt consolidation calculators. On many websites you may need to input your e mail address so you can be contacted. It is not mandatory to associate yourself with any of the search results. Undertake comparison shopping for the best quotes.

What are free debt consolidation services?

Debt consolidation loans are widely recognized as most effective ways to eliminate escalating consumer debts. There are also free debt consolidation services offered by agencies with low or absolutely no service charges, low interest rates and small monthly payments enabling greater savings. Any requirement regarding addressing your creditors is also looked after them.

Using the debt consolidation calculators:

Debt consolidation calculators tell you if it is feasible to collate debts, whether it makes sense to make a single payment per month to repay debts, the kind of time period within which you can improve your credit score and eliminate your debt, and how much will retiring your debts cost your pocket.

1. To enter data in a debt consolidation calculator, input all debt amounts in the given fields. If you are unsure, check the statements received from your creditors.
2. Enter the exact principal amounts, interest rates and monthly outflows.
3. The final two columns will be filled by the calculator so leave that.
5. Once the debts you want to collate have been input, click on "Compute Current Debt Cost" button.
6. Subsequently, enter the debt consolidation loan interest rate, term of repayment and service charges or fees levied. Now, click the "Compute Consolidation Loan Costs" button.
7. Check that you have entered data in the four left-hand fields for all debts.
8. Ensure the data is all numeric and decimals.

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Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator – Know How Much Money You can Save

A credit card debt consolidation calculator is an effective tool that can help you to assess the exact amount you can save if you opt for consolidating credit card debts. These days, with easy availability of credit cards and easy approval of consumer loans, more and more people tend to spend beyond their means and subsequently fall into debt traps.

The situation turns from bad to worse when you new credit cards to pay off the previous ones and then comes a situation that it becomes very difficult for you to pay your credit card bills and loan repayments on time. This result into a series of associated problems such as harassing collection calls, mounting interest bills, out of reach late payment charges and an intimidating bad credit score which makes it difficult to take further loans and or credit cards at low rate of interests. If you are trapped in such a situation, take no time and consider credit card debt consolidation. Before you opt for any program for consolidating credit card dues and other loans, it would be a good idea to use a credit card debt consolidation calculator to evaluate the efficacy of these programs for your case.

What Is A Credit Card Debt Consolidation Calculator

A credit card debt consolidation calculator is an innovative tool designed by debt consolidation companies to help people in debt trap. This calculator is a simple web based tool, which you can find on the website of almost all leading debt consolidation companies. This calculator is an easy to use tool, which can help you to make an objective assessment of your income and debt situation and how much money you can save by using a debt consolidation program offered by that company.

By entering your monthly income details, details of credit card dues and other very simple personal finance details in the credit card debt consolidation calculator, you can know the amount of credit card debt consolidation loan you need to pay off all your dues. With this calculator, you can also find out how much you need to pay as monthly repayment to pay the loan for debt consolidation. With a calculator, you can also have an idea of the time when you can become debt free and breathe easy.

Check The Genuineness Of The Company

The presence of a credit card debt consolidation calculator on a company’s website is also an indication of the fact that the company is transparent in its dealings and you can expect a fair debt consolidation program from that company. However, merely the presence of calculator does not mean that the credit card debt consolidation loan offered is the best, and that the company in question is safe. It would be better to make appropriate inquiries before selecting a company and to compare different companies by using different credit card debt consolidation calculators to make sure that you are in safe hands.

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